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as the one who looks under the rocks of technology May 7, 2008

Posted by accidental bloggist in Uncategorized.

it occurs to me that part of the reason the dire predictions about Y2K did not come to pass is largely due to the fact that people did take it seriously enough to do something about it.   a few nervous types like myself began raising the hue and cry in the 1990s.   people responded, demanded action and patches were put in place.   SAVED!   I would remind you that a crisis averted does not mean there was no crisis pending.

I bite, sting, and generally irritate.   so squish me already, but at least roll over and open one eye.   then consider if I deserve squishing.   btw – just because the rumor of global warming was created by a California sydicate and a bunch of tree loving intellectuals does not mean that we should continue to embrace hummers as our national method of transportation.   OUCH. 

bang or whimper, either way is pretty bad, wouldn’t you say?

you’re welcome, oh Librarians.  now put me up in the hero’s hall and bring my meals.


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